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  1. #1
    Administrator Avatar de mbolsia
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    Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Voy a ir poniendo refranes que encuentro (podéis colaborar):

    “El pesimista se queja del viento; el optimista espera que cambie; el realista ajusta las velas”

  2. #2
    Administrator Avatar de mbolsia
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    Re: Refranes

    "Si eres inteligente, aprenderás de tus propios errores, si eres un genio aprenderás de los errores de los demás" Willie Colon

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  4. #3
    Administrator Avatar de mbolsia
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    Re: Refranes

    Famous Investing and Trading Quotes
    Trading Journal

    "Show me a trader with good records, and I'll show you a good trader."

    - Dr. Alexander Elder

    "The fruits of your trading or investment success will be in direct ratio to the honesty and sincerity of your own effort in keeping your own records, doing your own thinking, and reaching your own conclusions. You cannot wisely read a book on ‘ how to keep fit' and leave the physical exercise to another. "

    - Jesse Livermore

    Risk Management

    "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing."

    - Warren Buffet

    Money Management

    "It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong."

    - George Soros

    "If you have an approach that makes money, then money management can make the difference between success and failure... ... I try to be conservative in my risk management. I want to make sure I'll be around to play tomorrow. Risk control is essential. "

    - Monroe Trout

    "Every winner needs to master three essential components of trading; a sound individual psychology, a logical trading system and good money management. These essentials are like three legs of a stool - remove one and the stool will fall, together with the person who sits on it. Losers try to build a stool with only one leg, or two at the most. They usually focus exclusively on trading systems. Your trades must be based on clearly defined rules. You have to analyze your feelings as you trade, to make sure that your decisions are intellectually sound. You have to structure your money management so that no string of losses can kick you out of the game."

    - Dr. Alexander Elder

    "The most important advice is to never let a loser get out of hand. You want to be sure that you can be wrong twenty or thirty times in a row and still have money in your account. When I trade, I'll risk perhaps 5 to 10 percent of the money in my account. If I lose on that trade, no matter how strongly I feel, on my next trade I'll risk no more than about 4 percent of my account. If I lose again, I'll drop the trading size down to about 2 percent. I'll keep on reducing my trading size as long as I'm losing. I've gone from trading as many as three thousand contracts per trade to as few as ten. "

    - Randy McKay

    "All traders make mistakes, great traders, however, limit the damage."

    - Unknown

    "My trading style blends both the risk-oriented and conservative personality of my personality. I take the risk-oriented part of my personality and put it where it belongs to : trading. And, I take the conservative part of my personality and put it where it belongs to money management. My money management techniques are extremely conservative. I never risk anything approaching the total amount of money in my account, let alone my total funds. "

    - Randy McKay

    "I'm more concerned about controlling the downside. Learn to take the losses. The most important thing about making money is not to let your losses get out of hand. "

    - Marty Schwartz

    "I'm always thinking about losing money as opposed to making money. Don't focus on making money, focus on protecting what you have."

    - Paul Tudor Jones


    "To succeed as a trader, it is absolutely necessary to have an edge. You can't win without an edge, even with the world's greatest discipline and money management skills. If you don't have an edge, all that money management and discipline will do for you is to guarantee that you will gradually bleed to death. Incidentally, if you don't know what your edge is, you don't have one. "

    - Jack Schwager

    "Make sure that you have the edge. Know what your edge is and employ rigid risk control rules. Basically, when you get down to it, to make money, you need to have an edge and employ good money management. Good money management alone isn't going to increase your edge at all. If your system isn't any good, you're still going to lose money, no matter how effective your money management rules are. But if you have an approach that makes money, then money management can make the difference between success and failure "

    - Monroe Trout


    "We use technical analysis not because we think it means something, but because other people think it means something. We are always looking for market participants to take us out of a trade, and in that sense, knowing the technical points at which people are likely to be buying or selling is helpful"

    - Michael Masters


    "A great company could be a terrible investment if its price has already more than discounted the bullish fundamentals. Conversely, a company that has been experiencing problems and is the subject of negative news could be a great investment if its price decline has more than discounted the bearish information. Fundamentals are not bullish or bearish in a vacuum, they are bullish or bearish only relative to price. "

    - Jack Schwager

    Trading Systems

    "Don't worry about what the markets are going to do, worry about what you are going to do in response to the markets."

    - Unknown

    "I believe that systems tend to be more useful or successful for the originator than for someone else. It's more important that an approach be personalized: otherwise, you won't have the confidence to follow it. It's unlikely that someone else's approach will be consistent with your own personality. It's also possible that individuals who become successful traders are not the type to use someone else's approach and that successful traders don't sell their systems "

    - Gill Blake


    "Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken."

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  6. #4
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    Re: Refranes

    - Warren Buffet

    "Most of traders lose because they don't have a winning strategy. Apart from this even among those traders who do, many don't follow their strategy. Trading puts pressure on weaker human traits and seems to seek out each individual's Achilles' heel. "

    - Gill Blake

    "The ability to change one's mind is probably a key characteristic of successful traders. Dogmatic and rigid personalities rarely succeed in markets. The markets are a dynamic process and sustained trading success requires the ability to modify and even change strategies as markets evolve. Successful traders have the ability to adapt to the changing dynamics of the market and in the process maintain their consistency of performance. "

    - Gill Blake

    "Do your own thing (independence) and do the right thing (discipline)"

    - Unknown

    "Successful speculation implies taking risks when the odds are in your favour"

    - Unknown

    "Don't force trades. Do not attempt to create an opportunity where one does not exist. Be patient."

    - Unknown

    "The best traders have no ego. You have to swallow your pride and get out of the losses. "

    - Tom Baldwin

    "Being right is more important than being a genius. I think one reason why so many people try to pick tops and bottoms is that they want to prove to the world how smart they are. Think about winning rather than being a hero. Forget trying to judge trading success by how close you can come to picking major tops and bottoms, but rather by how well you can pick individual trades with merit based on favourable risk / return situations and a good percentage of winners. Go for consistency on a trade-to-trade basis, not perfect trades."

    - Jack Schwager


    "Formula for Success – A Few new disciplines practised every day. "

    - Jim Rohn

    "You can be free. You can live and work anywhere in the world. You can be independent from routine and not answer to anybody. This is the life of a successful trader. Many aspire to this but few succeed. An amateur looks at a quote screen and sees millions of dollars sparkle in front of his face. He reaches for the money - and loses. He reaches again - and loses more. Traders lose because the game is hard, or out of ignorance, or lack of discipline or because of both. "

    - Dr. Alexander Elder

    "Markets offer unlimited opportunities for self-sabotage, as well as for self-fulfillment. Acting out your internal conflicts in the marketplace is an expensive proposition. Traders who are not at peace with themselves often try to fulfill their contradictory wishes in their market. If you do not know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere you never wanted to be. You can succeed in trading only if you can handle it as a serious intellectual pursuit. Emotional trading is lethal. To help ensure success, practice defensive money management. A good trader watches his or her capital as successfully as a professional scuba-diver watches his or her air supply. "

    - Dr. Alexander Elder

    "Most often, traders have four fears. There's the fear of being wrong, the fear of losing money, the fear of missing out and the fear of leaving money on the table. I found that basically, those four fears accounted for probably 90% to 95% of the trading errors that we make. Let's put it this way: If you can recognize opportunity, what's going to prevent you from executing your trades properly? Your fear. Your fears immobilize you. Your fears distort your perception of market information in ways that don't allow you to utilize what you know. "

    - Mark Douglas

    "We know that the random element in the market represents at least 40 to 60 percent activity. Therefore, it's not logical to look at every tick or to think that every tick or every chart formation has meaning. They don't. There are too many traders trying to look at the markets from too stringent an analytical viewpoint. Most of what happens in the markets is meaningless. Why try to interpret every little movement, every little reversal, every little tick? In trying to do too much, they're actually paying too much attention to the market. You have to keep a distance from the market. Only then will you have the psychological resources to let your profits ride. You won't be looking at every tick and interpreting it in a fearful way."

    - Jake Bernstein

    "I believe that to be a good trader it's very important to be rational and have your emotions under control. I've been trying for years to get rid of anger completely when I completely lose money, and I've come to the conclusion that it is impossible. I can work towards that goal, but until the day I die, I don't think I'm ever going to be able to look a big loss in the face and not get angry. "

    - Monroe Trout

    "Being wrong is acceptable. But staying wrong is totally unacceptable. Being wrong isn't a choice, but staying wrong is. To play any game successfully, you have to have some skill, an edge, but beyond that it is money management. Good traders manage the downside; they don't worry the upside. "

    - Mark Minnervini

    "To be a successful trader, you have to be able to admit mistakes. People who are very bright don't make very many mistakes. In a sense, they generally are correct. In trading, however, the person who can easily admit to being wrong is the one who walks away a winner. Besides trading, there is probably no other profession where you have to admit you're wrong. In trading, you can't hide your failures. Your equity provides a daily reflection of your performance. The trader who tries to blame his losses on external events will never learn from his mistakes. For a trader, rationalization is a guaranteed road to ultimate failure. "

    - Victor Sperandeo

    "Since most small to moderate profits tend to vanish, the market teaches you to cash them in before they get away. Since the market spends more time in consolidations than in trends, it teaches you to buy dips and sell rallies. Since the market trades through the same prices again and again and seems, if only you wait long enough to return to prices it has visited before, it teaches you to hold on to bad trades. The market likes to lull you into false security of high success rate techniques, which often lose disastrously in the long run. The general idea is that what works most of the time is nearly the opposite of what works in the long run."

    - William Eckhardt

    "The essential element is that the markets are ultimately based on human psychology, and by charting the markets you're merely converting human psychology into graphic representations. I believe that the human mind is more powerful than any computer in analyzing the implications of this graph. "

    - Al Weiss


    "Opportunity comes often. It knocks as often as you have a trained ear to hear it, an eye trained to see it, a hand trained to grasp it, and a head trained to use it. "

    - Warren Buffet

    "Most aspiring traders underestimate the time, work, and money required to become successful. To succeed as a trader, one needs complete commitment. Just as in any entrepreneurial venture, you must have a solid business plan, adequate financing, and a willingness to work long hours. Those seeking shortcuts are doomed to failure. And even if you do everything right, you should still expect to, lose money during the first five years - losses that I view as tuition payments to be made to the school of trading. These are cold, hard facts that many would-be traders prefer not to hear or believe, but ignoring them doesn't change the reality"

    - Mark D. Cook

    "Each trading failure is a sign that you are doing something wrong; it is not necessarily a good predictor of ultimate potential failure or success."

    - Unknown

    "Don't get caught in a situation in which you can lose a great deal of money for reasons you don't understand."

    - Unknown

    "My advice to new entrants to stock market is to approach it only with the help of professional advisors. Otherwise stay out of the business and stay completely away from the market. For novices to come in and try to generate profit in this incredibly complex industry is like me trying to do brain surgery on the weekends to pick up a little extra cash. "

    - Mark Ritchie

    "People underestimate the time it takes to succeed as a trader. Some people come here and think they can sit with me for a week and become great traders. How many people when they went to college would've thought to walk up to the professor and say, I know the course is for a semester, but I think a week should be enough for me to get it. Gaining proficiency is the same in trading as in any other profession - it requires experience, and experience takes time. "

    - Mark D Cook

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  8. #5
    Administrator Avatar de mbolsia
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    Re: Refranes

    Los espejos se emplean para verse la cara; el arte para verse el alma (G. Bernard Shaw).

  9. #6
    Administrator Avatar de mbolsia
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    Re: Refranes

    La batalla de la vida no siempre la gana el hombre mas fuerte o más ligero, sino tarde o temprano el hombre que gana es aquél que cree poder hacerlo.

  10. #7
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    Re: Refranes

    Las personas fueron creadas para ser amadas. Las cosas fueron creadas para ser usadas. La razón por la que el mundo está en caos, es porque las cosas están siendo amadas y las personas están siendo usadas.

  11. #8
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    Re: Refranes

    Si te caes siete veces, levántate ocho.

    No desesperes, de las nubes más negras cae agua que es limpia y fecunda.

  12. #9
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    Re: Refranes

    "No esperes a lo que tu país haga por ti, sino, lo que tú puedas hacer por tu pais".

    John F. Kennedy.

  13. #10
    Administrator Avatar de mbolsia
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Cuando estes triste y abatido, cuando no encuentres sentido a lo que pasa, cuando todo en tu vida se presenta con muchos obstaculos, recuerda : No conoces la pelicula completa ! Todo sucede por un fin superior que hoy no alcanzas a ver .Sigue confiando aun entre las nubes mas obscuras que siempre sale el sol.

  14. #11
    Administrator Avatar de mbolsia
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Una buena frase:

    Refranes - Frases Famosas-397069_3437432174980_1245766525_3568857_1146464696_n.jpg

  15. #12
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    El fracaso es la oportunidad de comenzar de nuevo con más inteligencia. Henry Ford.

  16. #13
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    He fallado una y otra vez en mi vida, por eso he conseguido el éxito.

    Michael Jordan (1963-?) Deportista estadounidense.

  17. #14
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    El éxito consiste en obtener lo que se desea. La felicidad, en disfrutar lo que se obtiene.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) Poeta y pensador estadounidense.

    He fallado una y otra vez en mi vida, por eso he conseguido el éxito.
    Michael Jordan (1963-?) Deportista estadounidense.

    El éxito es aprender a ir de fracaso en fracaso sin desesperarse.
    Winston Churchill (1874-1965) Político británico.

    Para lograr el éxito, mantenga un aspecto bronceado, viva en un edificio elegante, aunque sea en el sótano, déjese ver en los restaurantes de moda, aunque sólo se tome una copa, y si pide prestado, pida mucho.
    Aristóteles Onassis (1906-1975) Magnate y empresario griego.

    No hay secretos para el éxito. Éste se alcanza preparándose, trabajando arduamente y aprendiendo del fracaso.
    Colin Powell (1937-?) Militar y político estadounidense.

    Las personas no son recordadas por el número de veces que fracasan, sino por el número de veces que tienen éxito.

    Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) Físico e inventor estadounidense.

    El éxito no se logra sólo con cualidades especiales. Es sobre todo un trabajo de constancia, de método y de organización.

    J.P. Sergent

    Para tener éxito debemos hacer todo lo posible por parecer exitosos.
    François de la Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) Escritor francés.

    Se alcanza el éxito convirtiendo cada paso en una meta y cada meta en un paso.
    C.C. Cortéz

    El secreto del éxito en la vida de un hombre está en prepararse para aprovechar la ocasión cuando se presente.
    Benjamin Disraeli (1766-1848) Estadista ingles.

  18. #15
    El Rey del la Bolsa Avatar de Frantrade
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Tú eres el profundo deseo que te impulsa.
    Tal como es tu deseo es tu voluntad.
    Tal como es tu voluntad son tus actos.
    Tal como son tus actos es tu destino.
    Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.

    "Eso que llamamos destino, está en una gran parte en manos de los hombres, cuando estos tienen ideas claras y propósitos firmes"
    Enzo Ferrari.

    "Para que pueda surgir lo posible, es preciso intentar una y otra vez lo imposible"
    Herman Hesse.

    " Sin esfuerzo no hay conquista, son conquista no hay placer"
    Gonzalo Gallo.

    "Golpea tu corazón, en él, está tu ingenio"
    Stuart Mill.

    "Si no tienes un plan, tu plan es fracasar"
    Jim Rohn.

    "Solo fracasas si no lo intentas"
    Risto Mejide.

  19. #16
    El Rey del la Bolsa Avatar de Frantrade
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    El éxito es la lucha de cada día, el compromiso leal con el estudio, el esfuerzo por no caer en la rutina, la alegría de estar feliz por ser quien eres y por hacer lo que haces. Éxito es la sensación de paz y descanso que experimentas cuando logras volverte sordo ante esas voces que te gritan :si no eres joven, olvídate, si no eres guapo estás perdido, si no tienes un título jamás llegarás a ninguna parte, si no tienes contactos, lo siento. MENTIRA. Si sueñas con los pies en la tierra, te preparas en dirección a la conquista de tu sueño y perseveras, un día, en el momento menos esperado y de la forma más sobrenaturalmente milagrosa se abrirá esa puerta que muchas veces como humano que se es, dudas de que se abriría. Las derrotas cobrarán sentido y el corazón se inflará en gratitud. ¿Sabes por qué? PORQUE SOBRE TODAS LAS COSAS TUVISTE FE Y TE MANTUVISTE FIEL A TUS VALORES Y CREENCIAS.

  20. #17
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    El día que la mierda tenga algún valor, los pobres nacerán sin culo.

    Gabriel García Márquez

  21. #18
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    El hombre más feliz del mundo es aquel que sepa reconocer los méritos de los demás y pueda alegrarse del bien ajeno como si fuera propio

    Johann W. Goethe

  22. #19
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    "Todos los niños son artistas. El problema es seguir siendo un artista cuando creces".
    Última edición por tutio; 07/12/2016 a las 12:01

  23. #20
    Director de Traders Avatar de live1974
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Un interesante pensamiento de reflexión escrito por Albert Einstein respecto a la superación de momentos de crisis ...

    "No pretendamos que las cosas cambien, si siempre hacemos lo mismo. La crisis es la mejor bendición que puede sucederle a personas y países, porque la crisis trae progresos.
    La creatividad nace de la angustia como el día nace de la noche oscura. Es en la crisis que nace la inventiva, los descubrimientos y las grandes estrategias. Quien supera la crisis se supera a sí mismo sin quedar superado. Quien atribuye a la crisis sus fracasos y penurias, violenta su propio talento y respeta más a los problemas que a las soluciones.
    La verdadera crisis, es la crisis de la incompetencia.
    El inconveniente de las personas y los países es la pereza para encontrar las salidas y soluciones. Sin crisis no hay desafíos, sin desafíos la vida es una rutina, una lenta agonía. Sin crisis no hay méritos. Es en la crisis donde aflora lo mejor de cada uno, porque sin crisis todo viento es caricia.
    Hablar de crisis es promoverla, y callar en la crisis es exaltar el conformismo.
    En vez de esto, trabajemos duro. Acabemos de una vez con la única crisis amenazadora, que es la tragedia de no querer luchar por superarla" ... Impresionante ...
    Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

  24. #21
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    "Si el mercado fuera eficiente yo estaría pidiendo limosna" Warren Buffett

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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    “Surge de esto una cuestión si vale más ser amado que temido, o temido que amado. Nada mejor que ser ambas cosas a la vez; pero, puesto que es difícil reunirlas y que siempre ha de faltar una, declaro que es más seguro ser temido que amado. (…) No obstante lo cual, debe hacerse temer de modo que, si no se granjea el amor, evite el odio".-Maquiavelo-

  26. #23
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Newton fue el más grande genio que ha existido y también el más afortunado dado que sólo se puede encontrar una vez un sistema que rija el mundo. "Joseph-Louis de Lagrange"

  27. #24
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    ‎"Sólo aquel que ha estado en lo más profundo de los valles puede entender lo que es estar en la cumbre de la más alta montaña".- Richard Nixon.
    Feliz entrada de Año a todos!

  28. #25
    Especulador Avatar de pepe
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Hay una teoría infalible sobre la amistad: siempre hay que saber qué se puede esperar de cada amigo

    El autor es Carmen Posadas

  29. #26
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    La verdadera amistad es planta de lento crecimiento que debe sufrir y vencer los embates del infortunio antes de que sus frutos lleguen a completa madurez

    El autor es George Washington

    que vivio en (1732-1799)

  30. #27
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Una situación se convierte en desesperada cuando empiezas a pensar que es desesperada.
    Willy Brandt

  31. #28
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    El miedo es un sufrimiento que produce la espera de un mal. (Aristóteles)

  32. #29
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    La vida es un viaje que solo sabes cuando empieza y cuando acaba (Miguel Tarazona 2013 Madrid)

  33. #30
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    El ignorante, si calla, será tenido por erudito, y pasará por sabio si no abre los labios (Salomón)

  34. #31
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    La vida es aquello que te pasa mientras estas ocupado haciendo otros planes

    John Lennon

  35. #32
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Michael Jordan:

    Refranes - Frases Famosas-michael.jpg

  36. #33
    Administrator Avatar de mbolsia
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    "Nuestra recompensa se encuentra en el esfuerzo y no en el resultado. Un esfuerzo total es una victoria completa"

    Mahatma Gandhi

  37. #34
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    “La belleza que atrae rara vez coincide con la belleza que enamora. ” José Ortega y Gasset

  38. #35
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Hay que vivir mirando al futuro, el pasado ya no se puede cambiar

  39. #36
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    La gente que cultiva sus sueños son aquellos que se apoderan de su propia realidad.

  40. #37
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    El día que la mierda tenga algún valor, los pobres nacerán sin culo.

    Gabriel García Márquez (1927-?) Escritor colombiano.

    De aquel que opina que el dinero puede hacerlo todo, cabe sospechar con fundamento que será capaz de hacer cualquier cosa por dinero.
    Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense.

    Lo mejor que podemos hacer por otro no es sólo compartir con él nuestras riquezas, sino mostrarle las suyas.

    Benjamin Disraeli (1766-1848) Estadista ingles.

    Mi sueño es el de Picasso; tener mucho dinero para vivir tranquilo como los pobres.
    Fernando Savater (1947-?) Filósofo español.

    Quien cambia felicidad por dinero
    no podrá cambiar dinero por felicidad.

    José Narosky (1930-?) Escritor argentino.

    ¿Quieres ser rico? Pues no te afanes en aumentar tus bienes, sino en disminuir tu codicia.

    Epicuro de Samos (341 AC-270 AC) Filósofo griego.
    No estimes el dinero en más ni en menos de lo que vale, porque es un buen siervo y un mal amo.
    Alejandro Dumas (1803-1870) Escritor francés.

    Quienes creen que el dinero lo hace todo, terminan haciendo todo por dinero.
    Voltaire (1694-1778) Filósofo y escritor francés.

    La pobreza no viene por la disminución de las riquezas, sino por la multiplicación de los deseos.
    Platón (427 AC-347 AC) Filósofo griego.

    Lo que distingue al hombre de los otros animales son las preocupaciones financieras.
    Jules Renard (1864-1910) Escritor y dramaturgo francés.

  41. #38
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    En inglés, el que tenga problema se lo pregunte a Devi Demon

    Refranes - Frases Famosas-bolsiafrase.jpg

  42. #39
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Otro que hay que reanimar...

  43. #40
    Master del Universo Avatar de janto
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Cita Iniciado por mbolsia Ver mensaje
    El día que la mierda tenga algún valor, los pobres nacerán sin culo.

    Gabriel García Márquez (1927-?) Escritor colombiano.

    De aquel que opina que el dinero puede hacerlo todo, cabe sospechar con fundamento que será capaz de hacer cualquier cosa por dinero.
    Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense.

    Lo mejor que podemos hacer por otro no es sólo compartir con él nuestras riquezas, sino mostrarle las suyas.

    Benjamin Disraeli (1766-1848) Estadista ingles.

    Mi sueño es el de Picasso; tener mucho dinero para vivir tranquilo como los pobres.
    Fernando Savater (1947-?) Filósofo español.

    Quien cambia felicidad por dinero
    no podrá cambiar dinero por felicidad.

    José Narosky (1930-?) Escritor argentino.

    ¿Quieres ser rico? Pues no te afanes en aumentar tus bienes, sino en disminuir tu codicia.

    Epicuro de Samos (341 AC-270 AC) Filósofo griego.
    No estimes el dinero en más ni en menos de lo que vale, porque es un buen siervo y un mal amo.
    Alejandro Dumas (1803-1870) Escritor francés.

    Quienes creen que el dinero lo hace todo, terminan haciendo todo por dinero.
    Voltaire (1694-1778) Filósofo y escritor francés.

    La pobreza no viene por la disminución de las riquezas, sino por la multiplicación de los deseos.
    Platón (427 AC-347 AC) Filósofo griego.

    Lo que distingue al hombre de los otros animales son las preocupaciones financieras.
    Jules Renard (1864-1910) Escritor y dramaturgo francés.
    muy buenas
    El derecho de cada cual se define por su virtud, o sea por su poder.

    “Consejos vendo, que para mí no tengo”

  44. #41
    Especulador aficionado Avatar de Nivel
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    Re: Refranes - Frases Famosas

    Vive y deja vivir.
    "El pesimista se queja del viento.El optimista espera que cambie.El realista ajusta la vela."

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